Independence Day! July 4th Picnic Preceded by Some Sailing

Join us for our Independence Day Festivities!

The Sailing Part of the Day
On Wednesday, July 4th the Hunterdon Sailing Club will be sailing the LBJ (not named for the past president) for the honor of having the largest perpetual trophy in the club , the Little Brown Jug, gracing your home. All sailboat fleets race together with a staggered start based on Portsmouth ratings. The race committee will announce the starting sequence and timing at the skipper’s meeting. First sailboat to reach the finish line wins regardless of when she started.

The skipper’s meeting will be at 11:00 am, with the first start at noon. The course will encompass the whole lake and will last approximately 100 minutes. The race has one prize for first place and a best in fleet for those fleets represented by 3 or more boats.

The Picnic Part of the Day
All sailing club members are encouraged to come out for the picnic even if you didn’t sail the race.

We need help though!
Burgers, condiments, and drinks are provided by the club, but everyone should bring a side or dessert.
If your last name starts with A-M please bring a side dish; N-Z please bring a dessert.
However, if you really want to bring something else please feel free as this is just a suggestion.
If you plan to be there for the picnic, please drop a note to Rich at with the number attending so that burgers and dogs will not run short.

July 4th ADVICE
Some advice for coming to the park: Do not try to beat the crowd. July 4th is the busiest day of the year at Spruce Run, and there will be a line forming early in the morning, with the park closing the beach area as soon as the parking lots are full. If you arrive at 10:00 or later and tell the park staff that you are going to the boating area for a sailing club regatta and picnic, you should have no problem. You may want to bring something “boat like”, such as an oar, PFD or even a canoe or kayak on the roof, or a boat on a trailer. Bring your boat storage tag, if you have one. Make clear that you are an HSC member. Be patient with the park staff. They will be having a busy day.