Sailing, sailboat racing and sailIng classes
in Central New Jersey

Come to HSC’s Open House on Sunday March 23, 12 noon
at Riley & Jake’s – Rt 31 Clinton, NJ.
Click here for more information!

Greenest Sport on the Planet

Hunterdon Sailing Club

Hunterdon Sailing Club is a non-profit volunteer sailing organization in Clinton, NJ at Spruce Run Reservoir.  The club has a full calendar of sailing classes, regattas, social events, and weekly racing.  Click the button below to learn more.

Three Flying Scots on a Sunday Race

sailing Classes

offered 4 times a season, 3 days of instruction on shore and on the water. Supplemental classses in racing and crewing

Weekly Race Series

Races are held twice weekly from April through October, at Spruce Run State Park.  

Sunfish and Force 5 fleets have Twilight series midweek at 6PM

All fleets race together with seperate starts in the Sunday Series at 1:30.

Winners of each series are awarded trophies at the end of year Banquet and awards dinner.

sunfish going upwind
A sunfish and Flying Scot during a Sunday Race day
sunfish racing