Learn to Sail a Sloop

Prerequisite: Completion of an Adult Learn to Sail class (or equivalent experience with instructor approval)

Class Description: Learn to Sail a Sloop is a one-day class on land and water learning how to sail a Flying Scot or other “sloop” (a two-sail sailboat with a single mast).  On land, you will support the instructor with rigging and unrigging the boat.  On the water, you will learn how to adjust the sails, tack, jibe, and balance the boat with body weight.   You can use the experience gained in the class to participate in Sunday afternoon races and social sails with other club members on a Flying Scot or other sloop.

For questions about this class contact instructor Tom Tague at hsctomtague@gmail.com

Cost: Free!

Classes take place:
Saturday 11am-4:30pm

Registration links will become live March 23, 2025.

Learn to Sail a Sloop June 1, 2025