HSC holds numerous social events throughout the season. Each fleet sponsors a picnic grill-out at our shed before one of the sunday races. Check the calendar for picnic dates. Members frequently gather at Riley and Jakes on Route 31 after Wednesday and Sunday races. The ladies fleet hosts get togethers several times a season. The season concludes with an Awards Banquet in November, followed by the Clinton Parade in December.
Annual Awards Banquet
Hunterdon Sailing Club hosts an awards banquet at the end of every season to celebrate the season and award trophies for winners of the weekly series for each active fleet and annual regattas. The banquet is held at a location convenient to members and includes catered dining, door prizes, and the election of officers for the next season.
Holiday Parade
Clinton Holiday Parade
Banner Bearers
Clinton Holiday Parade
Parade float
HSC participates in Clinton’s holiday parade with banners, a sailboat decked out in holiday lights, and “dancing dinghies.” The parade is held every year on the first Friday of December and takes a route through downtown Clinton’s Main Street. Children ride in our float- a sailboat decorated in lights, while others walk along. Six choreographed dancing dinghies lead the route behind the banner bearers. Afterwards we like to meet for food at a local restaurant to warm up.