December 1999
I want to thank the members of the Hunterdon Sailing Club for electing me Commodore for the Year 2000. The elected Officers represent a strong team with many repeats from last year and two new additions. Art Mohan was elected Vice Commodore and brings with him many years of experience in the club. Many thanks to John Parsekian for accepting the position of Assistant Rear Commodore. John's main responsibility will be the care of the HSC's Sunfish fleet (club boats that we loan to HSC members). In addition, Ann Parsekian has continued as Secretary and she has done an outstanding job. George Cassa will continue as Treasurer. Somehow, George let the club buy a storage shed, a new chase boat and a new motor in 1999 AND the club still had operating funds for the remainder of the year. Actually, the club (George) had established a Capital fund and timing was such that it made sense (dollars and cents) to make these purchases. Great job, George !!!
The Executive Team will hold its first meeting in December and the appointed positions will be filled. This Executive Team will then plan the events and
schedules for 2000. The Executive Team consists of the Elected Officers, Fleet Captains, Newsletter Editor(s), Handbook Editor, Membership Chairperson, and Librarian. I will request that we create a new position called "New Member Liaison". This person will be required to write an article for every newsletter that speaks directly to our new members. The purpose will be to provide information to the "new" members and also provide a single point of contact for those new members to find out information about getting involved in the Club.
The Year 2000 is very special in that it is the beginning of the new Millennium and the end of the 20th century. So let's make this a special year for HSC. I think that having goals would be helpful. For example, let's get our membership over 100 families this year. We already have four (4) members that paid their dues for Year 2000 so we only have 96 more to go. Let's increase the participation in the Sundays and Twilight Series. Let's think up more activities that are just fun. Perhaps we schedule " A Cruise to Nowhere" in June, July and August. Rich Baumann hosted a few of these cruises a number of years ago. We packed our lunches, beach blankets and coolers and sailed to a remote shore. We parked our boats, relaxed, ate our lunches and just had fun.
Watch your Newsletters and look for the announcements for our Winter meetings. Sailing will begin in May 2000 but we need to do our planning over the Winter. We need each member to also plan his/her contribution to the club. So if you're not involved - - then think about getting involved.
Barry Seip